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A blood pressure reading has a top number (systolic) and bottom number (diastolic) The ranges are Normal Less than 1 over 80 (1/80) Prehypertension 1139 over 80 Stage 1 high blood pressure over 9099 Stage 2 high blood pressure 160 and above over 100 and above High blood pressure in people over age 60 150 and aboveWhen researchers for the National Center for Health Statistics looked at average blood pressure in US adults between 01 and 08, the average reading was 122/71 mm Hg The breakout was 124/72 mm Hg for men, and 121/70 mm Hg in women It rose by age and was significantly higher in Black people 5Normal blood pressure is below 140/90 mm Hg There are three levels of high blood pressure during pregnancy, as explained below Mild hypertension is indicated by blood pressure between 140/90 and 149/99 mm Hg – a regular checkup is suggested, but does not

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140/80 blood pressure pregnant

140/80 blood pressure pregnant-Health professionals are most interested in the diastolic reading (the second, lower number) during pregnancy Generally speaking, the average BP range for a healthy young woman is 110/70 to 1/80 If your BP is above 140/90 on at least two occasions within a week, and you usually have normal BP, your doctor may make a diagnosis of preeclampsiaIf your blood pressure is elevated a systolic blood pressure between 1 and 129 or diastolic blood pressure of less than 80 your doctor will probably want to check it every 36 months

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Dr Andrew Oswari answered Family Medicine 24 years experience Top is high The systolic number is high This would put you in the hypertension stage 1 category Diet and exercise is what is recommended right now 61k views Answered >2 years agoNormal blood pressure in pregnancy is less than 1/80 mm Hg, the same as for nonpregnant people High and low blood pressure during pregnancy can cause complications Medical News TodayNormal blood pressure in adults is less

I have had problems with my blood pressure during this pregnancy (currently 27 weeks), and never had an issue before I had BP of 140/80 and they said it was higher, but nothing to be concerned about It wasn't until it was 162/80 that they started to get worriedI've been to see the nurse today and asked her to check my blood pressure as I was previously told it was a bit high compared to most pregnant women's It was around 140/80 before but today it was 153/ I have to go back on Friday so she'll check it again then but she was 'too busy' to talk to me about it todayDesign A retrospective study of 9 pregnant women (475 PDAC assessments, 6 months) with routinely collected blood pressure (BP), symptom and laboratory information We proposed a 60 min screening algorithm comprising absence of symptoms, normal laboratory parameters and ≤1highBP reading (systolic blood pressure, SBP 140 mm Hg or higher or

What is considered low blood pressure in pregnancy?However, as we have noted, there are varying factors to consider when determining what works for each person What is normal for a man in his 30s is not deemed a normal reading for a man in his 60sHigh blood pressure, or hypertension, is defined as blood pressure greater than or equal to 130/80 mm HgThe condition is a serious concern for some pregnant women When it's wellmanaged, high

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Hi i am XXXXXXX now i am 2 months pregnant but my blood pressure is above 150/ 100 i am a working IUGR , amniotic fluid shortage sir kindly suggestIf you're generally feeling well, nothing is really too low, within reason But blood pressure that's abnormally low, which is called hypotension, can lead to dizziness and fainting and is represented by a systolic reading lower than 90 or a diastolic number of 60Normal blood pressure (nonpg) is 1/80 or lower 140 is on the high end of normal 70 is fine You can always request an extra midwife appointment next week to check it again Get to the appointment in lots of time and take a book or something to keep you relaxed in the waiting room so you get a true reading

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O SP ≥ 140 or DBP ≥ 90 o Prepregnancy or < weeks GESTATIONAL HYPERTENSION o SP ≥ 140 or DP ≥ 90 • Systolic blood pressure ≥ 160 mm Hg or • Diastolic blood pressure ≥ 110 mm Hg HYPERTENSIVE EMERGENCY Preferably within 60 min of the second elevated valueA blood pressure reading of 140/60 can be cause for concern The first step is to take another reading to confirm your blood pressure As an aside, home blood pressure monitors are amazingly affordable and great way to stay on top of your blood pressure So invest in your health and check out Amazon's best rated blood pressure monitors todayThe normal blood pressure values for children and elderly are not the same On the other hand, the blood pressure for pregnant women may fluctuate But the average level is more or less the same as any adult's readings Doctor may determine it as hypertension when the bp result is

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Wu Minfan Department Of Physiology Shenyang Medical College

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Low blood pressure is generally not as serious as high blood pressure from a medical standpoint, but there are definitely some risks of low blood pressure during pregnancy, mainly physical Low blood pressure can often result in fainting or dizziness, and taking a tumble with a baby in the pouch is definitely something expecting moms want to avoid"Normal blood pressure in pregnancy can vary from individual to individual, but it can vary from 90/60 to 130/80 Blood pressure 140/90According to the Mayo Clinic, a normal blood pressure during pregnancy is below 1/80, although some doctors prefer to see readings lower than 115/75 Advertisement Prehypertension occurs when the blood pressure reading is between 121/80 and 139/ High blood pressure is defined as anything above 140/90 Low blood pressure occurs when the

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If your blood pressure reading is high (140/90 or higher), especially after the th week of pregnancy, your provider will likely want to run some tests They may include blood tests other lab tests to look for extra protein in the urine as well as other symptomsHigh blood pressure in pregnancy is fairly common, affecting around four mumstobe in every 100 (NHS Digital 19, NICE 19b, Your midwife will diagnose high blood pressure if your top figure (systolic) is 140 or higher, or your bottom figure (diastolic) is 90 or more (NICE 19a)May be checked regularly but does not usually need treatment;Measuring blood pressure in pregnancy The guidelines for measuring blood pressure in pregnancy are outlined in table 1Throughout this paper we will refer to blood pressure levels that are based on clinic blood pressure measurementsThere has been much discussion on using ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) in pregnancy but international guidelines

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